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客家的源流- 何謂「客家」? 美國客家會館的創立

客家的源流-  何謂「客家」?

Origin of Hakka- What is ‘Hakka?’

客家,相傳西普永嘉年間(四世紀初),流域的一 部份漢人,因戰亂南徙渡江,至唐末(九世紀末),以及南宋末(十二世紀末) 又大批過江南下,至贛、閩以及粵東、粵北等地,被稱為「客家」,以區別當地 原來的居民,後遂相沿而成這一部分漢人的自稱,以粵東梅縣、興守、大埔、五 華、惠陽等縣為最集中。尚有部分分布于廣西、四川、湖南、台灣、海南島部分區和僑居海外南洋一帶。語言保留較多的古音韻,稱為客家話。」而屬客家語系的人,就叫「客家人」。

Hakka , according to legend began in the Sipp Yong Jia era (4th century) where a portion of the Han people travelled along the Yellow River because of the war until the end of the Tang dynasty (end of 9th century) and again at the end of the Song dynasty (end of 12th century)  to Jiangxi, Fujian and eastern Guangdong, northern Guangdong and such places.  To distinguish between the original local residents from the new Han residence, they were referred to as the Hakka people and congregated along the eastern Meixian, Xing Shou, Tai Po, and Huiyang. There were some distributed in Guangxi, Sichuan, Hunan, Taiwan, parts of Hainan Island, and living abroad in the Nanyang area. The language more or less retained its ancient phonology and designated the language to be ‘Hakka.’

知道什麼叫「客家」,就要知道「客家」的源流。Royal family 客家先民系炎黃裔冑,三代(夏、商、周)dynasties 遺民,many from scholarly family/ gov officials 中原舊族,遠祖多系仕宦之家,書香門第,自西晉末永嘉 dynasty 之亂,被迫棄官南逃,史稱「衣冠南下」escape,始遷穎水 king’s river 、輾轉江淮 long river,為客家先民之首次大遷徙,後數百年寄籍 gian shi and an hua area 江淮之間(即在江西、安徽一帶由政府安置君縣暫 時定居),至唐末 tang dynasty,王先芝、黃巢起義,corruption= protest客民因戰亂再遷 move to fue jian and jian shi and some to guan don于閩、贛(多遷於贛南 、閩西,少數已遷入粵東、粵北)至唐末,元兵南侵,朝廷崩毀。客民多隨江西 吉安客人文天祥丞相起兵勤王南下,始大批進入粵東、粵北,此為客民歷史上的 3rd migration during song dynasty =>fue jian, guan don and jian shi area focus mostly in guan don 三次大遷徙。宋元之際,客民逐步在閩、粵、贛三省邊區集結,而以廣東梅州為 中心聚居地。經過清康熙 ching dynasty/ kang xi = 2 more large migration => south china area (Malaysia, Vientam, Singapore etc)年間,政府實行「移湖廣填四川」的移民和清末同治間太平天國 舉義失敗及廣東西路土客鬥爭的影響,又兩次大遷徙,上述各地客家又由廣東嘉 應州和惠州及福建汀州等地向各省及南洋遷徙。客家人便逐步分布於全國10多個 省市及世界五大洲的80多個國家和地區。大陸、台灣和海外客家人總計為6427.5萬多人。這支漢族民系,的確是人口 眾多,分布最廣、影響最大的民系。客家人在海外分布於世界五大洲的80多個國家和地區,總人口約454.6萬多人 。主要集中在東南亞各國。其中印尼120萬,馬來西亞125萬,泰國55萬,新加坡 20萬,越南15萬,緬甸5.5萬,柬埔寨1萬。這些國家共約350萬左右,占海外客家 人總數的70%以上。近十多年來,由海外及中國大陸、台灣、港澳遷往歐、美、等 洲的有急劇增加的趨勢。據近年調查統計,美國已有28.4萬,英國15.2萬,法國 3萬,加拿大8.1萬,秘魯20萬,牙買加10萬,毛里求斯3.5萬,留尼旺1.8萬,澳 大利亞4.3萬,南非2.5萬。看來確實五大洲都有客家人,而且分布在80多個國家 和地區。全球客家人統計超過1億人。

To know what the term “Hakka” refers to, we must first know the origins of “Hakka.” Those of Hakka decent originated from the royal family in the three dynasties of Xia, Shang, and Zhou. Many were scholars or held government official positions. However during the end of the Yong Jia dynasty, to escape the disorder many were forced to leave their positions and escape along the King’s River and travel along the Chang Zhang River to settle in Jiangxi and Anhui until the Tang dynasty. During the protest against government corruption the Hakka people were forced to migrate to Fujian and Jiangxi province while some scattered to Guangdong. During the Qing Kang Xi Dynasty there were two more occurrences of massive migration to areas in southern China such as Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore. Multiple movements have dispersed those with Hakka decent to over ten provinces, six continents, and more than eighty some countries. Those of Hakka decent total over 1 billion people with 4 million abroad outside of China and Taiwan including 1.2 million in Indonesia, 1.25 million in Malaysia, half a million in Thailand, 200 thousand in Singapore, 15 thousand in Vietnam, 55 thousand in Burma, and 10 thousand in Cambodia making it one of the most populated, influential, and wide spread ethnic group within the Han people. In the recent decade the spread to the western world has been documented as 284 thousand in America, 152 million in England, 30 thousand in France,, 81 thousand in Canada, 200 thousand in Peru, 100 thousand in Jamaica, 35 thousand in Mauritius, 18 thousand in Reunion, 43 thousand in Australia, and 25 thousand in South Africa. Indeed it seems like the Hakka population is all across the world.

全美28多萬客家鄉親,大部份客籍僑民多定居於南加州,而客籍人士屬中原 漢族,經數千年來六次的大遷徙而散居海內外六大洋洲,可說是最大的「客家國 」。因為他們在世界地球村內,各國都有他們的客屬鄉親,保有他們的文化、語 言、生活傳統。而遷徙至海內外各地區的客籍人仕,為保存客家文化、爭取客家 鄉親權益、融入當地族群,往往付出比任何人都要多的努力和時間,進而尋求合 適的政治、族群、定位。而宗親會,社會組織就是他們的力量和影響力的延伸。

Across the United States there are over 280,000 people of Hakka heritage mostly residing in southern California while many other Hakka people of Han descent from the Great Plains have been dispersed over all six continents’ after six Great Migrations to create the largest said ‘Hakka Nation.’ Their presence across the globe with family and friends of Hakka descent in every country contributes to the preservation their culture, language, and traditional lifestyle. However, those that have migrated to other locations often have to sacrifice to a much larger extent of time and effort in finding the appropriate political and social standing to preserve the Hakka culture, to strive for equal rights for the Hakka people, and to integrate into the local social stratosphere.

南加州的客屬社團,成員大多數來自於台灣.,社團屬社大部份在承継文化傳承、社區服務和凝聚僑心。客屬社團聯合會下,含客屬崇正總會, 加州客家長青會, 大洛杉磯客家文化學會, 美國客家商會, 加州台灣客家同鄉會, 客家園藝盆景同學會,南加州客家婦女會等。這十數年來,在僑社舉辦了相當多的活動和講座,如台灣客家印象展、客家文物展、客家歌謠比賽、南加台灣燈會、南加台灣人運動會、客家美食品嚐和教學、連續五年舉辦每次超過千人的園藝盆栽講座、果樹種子交換倡導厨餘環保後園有機蔬果。尤其在台灣921大地震、88水災、南亜海嘯、海地地震、四川地震,圽主動發起救災活動。

Most participants of the Hakka associations in southern California originate from Taiwan with the purpose for passing down cultural traditions, community volunteer work, and creating cohesiveness amongst the Hakka people. Within the Hakka associations contains  the Hakka Veteren’s Association客屬崇正總會, 加州客家長青會(California Hakka Youth Association), 大洛杉磯客家文化學會(Los Angelas Hakka Cultural Association), 美國客家商會(United States Hakka Business/Commerce Association), 加州台灣客家同鄉會 (California Taiwan Hakka Heritage Association) , 客家園藝盆景同學會 (Hakka Gardening Student Association) ,南加州客家婦女會等 (Southern California Hakka Women’s Association) and such. In the past decades, these associations have organized multiple events and lectures such as the Taiwan Hakka image exhibition, Hakka antique/relic exhibition, Hakka folk ballad competition, the Southern California Tawian Lantern festival, and green seed exchange to advocate environmental preservation of organic vegetation. Hakka associations have be especially active raising funds and relief during Taiwan’s large 921 earthquake, 88 flood, South Asia’s Tsunami, Haiti’s earthquake, and Sichuan’s earthquake.

這數年來美國南加客屬社團,深深覺得要有一個地點適中的活動中心,讓鄉親聚會和提供文化活動的展示場。2011年8月,南加客家鄉親姜氏三兄弟無償提供大約2間6,500呎的辦公活動地點於艾爾蒙地市(City of El Monte ),經過大家提供的各項設備和贊助,並於9月初,向政府申辦501(C3)非營利社團。現今美國客家會館董事長為邱啟宜(Rick Chiu)、執行董事姜義正(Masa Chiang)、陳金龍(Jim Chen)、羅煥瑜(George Lo)、范揚隆(Michael Fan) 、姜陳玉嬌(Jenni Chiang)、傅學榮等。近期己舉辦了7項活動一09/10會館-大洛杉磯客家活動中心開幕儀式在艾爾蒙地盛大開幕一重現客家辦桌(中秋懇親會)、中秋重陽敬老節、耆老社會福利健保講座、數位電腦講座、大洛杉磯客家活動中心一簡報室提供客家書刋文物和卡拉0K好歌教學、客家文化滿月禮喜氣洋彌月紅蛋油飯宴、南加僑團聯合寒冬送暖衣,僑界代表共同出席捐贈儀式給中途之家/流浪者之家、America Hakka center 台灣客家冬至湯圓節大家來搓湯圓,僑界代表蒞會恭賀。

The past several years the various Hakka associations located in Southern California felt the need for a fitting and well located community center to provide a site for cultural activities and exhibitions. August 2011 our Hakka community members from the Chiang family graciously provided a large two part 6,500 square feet office space located in the city of El Monte. After several contributions and sponsorship of equipment as of September the center applied for a 501(C3) and was deemed a non- profit organization. The current American Hakka Center President is Rick Chiu and executive directors are Masa Chiang, Jim Chen, George Lo, Michael Fan, Jenni Chiang and 傅學榮. Just recently the American Hakka Center has already held seven events: Greater Los Angeles Hakka Hall’s opening ceremony in El Monte with round table celebration (Mid Autumn Festival), Mid Autumn Elderly Festival, Senior Citizen Welfare Health Benefits Seminar, Digital Computer Seminar, the center offers books and newspaper resources as well as karaoke lessons, Hakka cultural full moon festival with red egg banquet, Southern California Chinese Association winter coat drive, Winter tapioca festival, and donation ceremony to Home for the Homeless.

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